Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hi all,
I have outgrown my blog and moved up to a Word Press format. Please follow my new site at The Art Planet. This site is dedicated (like this one) to emerging artists, fresh talent and news of the art world. I invite you to subscribe, offer comments and share feedback.

Thank you!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Emerging Artist:Please Touch

How fabulously and aptly titled! This series of abstract works by Amy Tuso is called the "Please Touch" series. And don't you want to??? I just want to run my fingernails over all those thickly coated shapes and textures. It's a visual and tactile full-entree of sensual exploration. The color balance on Arches #2 is sublimely poised and steady.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Emerging Artist; Night Views

Eerie, soft and not remotely treacherous. These night shots by John Vias are moody and endearing and not just a bit lonely. What is it about single chairs that I find so captivating?
From the Berkeley Marina...we get night photography.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Emerging Artists; Last Gasp

Really nothing about Emerging Artists here at all. Last Gasp - a plethora of low-brow collections and eccentric and well...their site says it better that I can. "Last Gasp is one of the largest and oldest publishers and purveyors of underground books & comics in the world, as well as being a distributor of all sorts of weird ‘n’ wonderful subversive literature, graphic novels, tattoo and art books." From Banksy to McGrath, Szukalski, Aye Jay and Atta Boy. Please stop by 111 Minna to see to their 40th Anniversary Show that everyone is talking about. Fab write-up in today's SF Chronicle too. April 1st from 6 until...late. No...this isn't a joke. Meet Ron Turner too. The guy with the long beard.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Emerging Artists; Pool Time

Spring into summer with this fun and funky collection of quirky photos by Alyson Fox. Spare backgrounds, crooked lines and quiet figures. Odd combos co-existing.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Emerging Artists; Deep Thoughts

I know - not great art...but kinda funny because it's so true isn't it? And - I just really appreciate that someone took this picture.
We Heart It. There's always something there.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Emerging Artists; Burning Man

From men in skirts to underwear and knee socks. The sheer randomness and mock seriousness makes this photo humorous and so terrifically odd that I just want to know more! And it makes me laugh - and don't we all need to that more? Babochkov...more please pray tell.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Emerging Artists; Mini Worlds

Wow...shrink your body and land in this strange and surreal world where a parallel universe exists for our enjoyment. A day at the beach can be yours...and it's so much cheaper then an airline ticket!

And for some additional security, call in Team Obama for a great conversation piece and positive energy.

And wait...a mini Stonehenge! This one is my favourite.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Emerging Artists; Chair - Redefined

Simple. A chair sits...unpretentious yet self assured. Tied with a romantic red ribbon to some unknown attachment. No 14. On the left. I'm captivated and curious. By Michele Maule. One L and so refined.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Emerging Artist; A Parallel Universe

I'm not usually speechless but this little wonder has me in awe. Such a big world in such a small place full of tactile texture that makes me want to touch it. Hiroshi Matsumoto - thanks for sharing your most awesomeness talent with the world. Go World. Oh - did I mention this was only 9cm x 9cm!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Emerging Artists; Talent From Down Under. Again!

Ok - I think I might be in love with Australia. I just found the coolest, boldest and most fun collection of fabrics. With handcrafted love and professional marketing this team of Rachel Castle and her mother Jillian Patching...I get to indulge my love of simple shapes and inspired design. Spoil yourself with these screen printed limited edition prints. Eye candy for sure.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Emerging Artists; A Microscopic World

How to look smart, geeky and a little cool in one easy lesson. Buy this very superbly awesome and scientifically induced pendant from Not So Dotty's shop. I'm actually feeling a little smart right about now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Emerging Artists; Rabbits Anyone?

Bunny. What Bunny? Oh - the one in this surreal and ephemeral interior. A Dissertation. Rabbit hole anyone? Sandra Cohen - I would love to know what you are thinking.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Emerging Artists; Haunting

This piece is beautiful...and haunting and so sublimely personal that I feel like I am in her space and should turn away so she can be left alone. Vincenzo Risso from Italy. Hypnotic and lyrical.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Emerging Artists; Monday's Are Hard

Monday's are a little tough sometimes and Kara Hammer - I think - expresses this emotion perfectly in Get Off My Fucking Cloud II. Whew - powerful yet honest and forthright. I appreciate that and kinda smile at the odd sentiment feeling just a little sorry for the rainbow.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Emerging Artists; My Studio

Happy Sunday. Thought I would do something different rather then a new artist I am sharing my studio space with you. It's a mess...I know. But somehow - through some sort of magical twist I am able to find what I need - usually. So here goes:

This is my desk. Paint brushes, stacks of collage papers, dried brushes that I should have cleaned but didn't. My bike in the background and a green cup.

A drawer with tubes of paint. So many it's crazy but I need a lot. I buy the little ones at Micheal's and they work for me. When they are done I put the empty one on top of my desk to remind me that I need to replace that color. There is lots of green.

This is another drawer - near the paint drawer that has a collection of collage papers that I tear up and make stuff with.

This is a pile of scrap paper. Mostly envelopes and stamps which work really well in collage. I like to use gel medium which I forgot to include but it's made by Golden and I love it! Sometimes there are bits of string and other times I find stuff buried that I forgot about and it's like getting something new. Other times I find bits of metal.

Now I have to go because I am doing an interview for a local cable show about local artists. If you are interested in my work you can see my art prints on Imagekind, Etsy and Flickr.

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Emerging Artists; Campbell and Stadel

Rebecca Campbell's portraits are so honest - like seeing through to her soul and the range of human emotions. Captivating and entrancing.

Wouldn't it be nice if all torn paper was as amazing and inventive as this? Zack Stadel - what goes on in your head? I like!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Emerging Artist; Fabric Jewel

How to create magic with fabric scraps 101. Enroll me now because Chilicat Designs is ethereal, magical and just a teensy bit mystical. I see snow. What do you see?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Emerging Artist; Retro Whale

From Kubrick, to Coppola and Jackson and Scorcese and Allen and Tarantino...oh my! Now I know exactly how to celebrate Oscar night - all of my faves in one place. Is this just surreal and really funny and deliciously brilliant? An LA artist no less.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Emerging Artist; Self Portrait

Apparently this is what the inside of Mark Weaver's head looks like. head kinda hurts thinking about the trippiness of this piece.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Emerging Artist; Code Mystery Confirmed

With stitches and silhouettes the code has been cracked in this way over the top sample of mixed media genius. From Scotland - Sunshine has figured out how letters and thread can live together in harmony. Alpha type - yep.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Emerging Artist; Chair-redefined

Is it lonely - or just simply alone? And what is the difference. This gorgeous and moody print makes me think - a lot. And the Polaroid platform makes it even more desirable. Ginger Caravan - where have you been hiding??? Down under I see.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Emerging Artist; Small Stakes

Everything from Small Stakes, a small Northern California publisher rocks my artistic world. Silk screens in two or three colors; simple defined graphic shapes. And $25. Are you serious???
The Echo Falls. On my wish list now!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Emerging Artist; Engine Trouble!

I wish the transmission in my car was this pretty. Engine art - who would have thought. Thanks Jim Keaton!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Emerging Artist; Alunboy

Sometimes when I'm at the airport I get bored. Bored no more! Alunboy to the rescue. This drawing is hot...seriously. Stretch, kick...stretch a little more and Shop. And maybe a lunge.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Emerging Artist; Yes!

She writes yes into the sky. I feel a little yes coming on especially after I got into my car and the battery is dead again - for the third time in one year and I yelled a hearty NO!!!
I needed this whimsical and positive note.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just Too Sweet

I like text. I like letters put together that say something nice. When I need inspiration I just peek over at I Heart It and I always find the perfect image. Today - I share it with you - my faithful followers. Be well.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Emerging Artist:Whales???

Wow - what a fab Flickr find today. I'm not positive - but I'm think that's a whale behind that forest of thick pines. Can you see it? Or am I just really ready for the weekend?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Emerging Artist; Speed Skating

Watching those skaters speed dizzy circles around that track thrills and inspires me and at the same time think it's just a touch crazy! Crashing into each other; passing in just the slimmest of spaces and pushing in the relay. So - in honor of the craziness let's focus on skate inspired art and cool things that jingle.

A personalized glass style with whimsical skates hanging just so. Simple and elegant me thinks.

Oh - I so want this! A locket with Olympics Love! Oh my......

How naughty and discreet plus really imaginative. Just when you thought you had it all...this light switch plate takes turning on a light to a whole new level.

Ok - just one more because this one surely couldn't be missed. A red coat, ice skates and a young girl creating swirly shapes...all in this charming print. Lovely.....and quiet...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Emerging Artist; Word of The Day

Is the word of the day SPECIAL or is it RED. Either way...this piece rocks. Thank you Terry Amstutz for sharing Dumpster Diving #93. Go garbage!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Emerging Artist; Lattice

Do you know how hard it is to make woodcuts. Oh my oh wrists hurt just thinking about it. This piece - is gorgeous. Thank you Anna Hepler.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Emerging Artist; Flying Away

Giant hands and an aspiring bullfighter. Is this the puppet that guides our life?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Emerging Artist; Heart Attack

An anatomical drawing may not be considered romantic but the sum of the parts; a sheet of hearts rendered in Renaissance style is quite romantic. A beating heart lives to tell a story of love and passion and hidden desire. An old fashioned ode to an ancient thought. Altered heart - hanging over your heart.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Emerging Artist; Do Not Bend

She looked strong, certainly able to handle the beast; a python of extraordinary powers, making its way; slithering softly, quietly over her hands. The woman didn't twitch, not even flinch, or wink, or cringe. Fear...not this femme fatale.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Emerging Artist; Metal and Bits

From Hardware Bangle to bolts and washers and nuts...what wonders coexist. Priceless relics and copper inspiration...sparkly jingle sounds wrapped around my wrist inviting conversation and warding off malevolent spirits.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Emerging Artist; Waiting

Matching orange sweater vests. Urban gray ends in a point. Waiting seems terminal. The car comes around the bend, Brett Amory safely at the wheel. The wait ends.

From feathered head to skin covered limbs my oversized bicycle takes me to the dark land where blackbirds sing and ravens haunt. The moors call out for Steam Machine - begging my presence.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Emerging Artist; Blue Monday

"Blue Morning, blue Monday...was it this Monday or the next.Disheveled bed mess do not fret, the morning may be blue, but by the time the day is done there is nothing more to do, an orange evening and you will be happy through and through".

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Emerging Artist; He Was A Worthy Chick

Oswald was a worthy chick. Never got into too much trouble and minded his own business. Days were spent wandering the farm...growing feathers...eating feed thrown to him regularly. All in all - a good life; an ordinary life.

Friday, February 5, 2010


No name required when the horizon is waxy and the air is cold and waits with anticipation for a change. Wanderlust grips hold..tightly. Images lost in the distance. Untitled. Painting No. 7

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Tangled in Formation, storm clouds in my sight, dreams of escape hang discreetly in my waking thoughts. Five delicate friends transforming....