Hi all,
I'm hosting an international art exchange that will raise money for charity. here's the info:
Peace in a Time of War. Please send postcards with this theme. Please be positive! No negative post cards. These will be featured in an exhibit in Berkeley California in November. We hope to have 1000 cards. Money raised will be used to fund medical supplies to children in Iraq and for disabled veterans. I will also featured postcards on my blog as they come in. Send to: Jan Weiss, 2110 Willow Lake Ct. Martinez, California, 94553 United States. This call ends in September. As we get closer to the exhibit I will post more informaiton or email me if you have questions. I look forward to seeing all your beatutiful art. Remember, post card size, approx 4x6 and I want cards from as many nations as possible.
As I receive cards I will show them on this blog.